As a follow up to SSEPAC’s presentation of our Survey results on 12/16/24, the district requested a meeting with SSEPAC officers on 1/21/25 to discuss survey findings and recommendations. In attendance included SSEPAC officers; Dr. Ruben Carmona, Superintendent; Mr. Ildefonso Arellano, Director of
Special Education; Samantha Eligene, Director of Data, Assessment, and Accountability; Mr. Robert Berretta, Superintendent Fellow. SSEPAC continues to press for support in fulfilling our State Mandated advisory and participatory role. Currently, SSEPAC is not involved in an advisory or participatory capacity. Dr. Carmona described the complexity of finding a “natural intersection” for SEPAC participation but was open to finding opportunities to bring Special Education voices “to the table”. SEPAC continues to pursue meaningful inclusion as soon as possible.