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Virtuelles Gespräch mit Nadine Gaab über Reading

Do., 27. Feb.


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Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass Nadine Gaab am 27.2. virtuell bei uns sein wird, um über das Lesen zu sprechen. Bleiben Sie dran für weitere Details!

Virtuelles Gespräch mit Nadine Gaab über Reading
Virtuelles Gespräch mit Nadine Gaab über Reading

Zeit & Ort

27. Feb. 2025, 19:00 – 20:00 GMT-5

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Über die Veranstaltung

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Let's talk reading with Nadine Gaab!

Join us to discuss reading development, reading disabilities, early identification, and the Science of Reading.

This topic is especially relevant and insightful as Somerville Public Schools is currently in the process of selecting a reading curriculum for our students. Additionally, roughly 50% of SPS students are struggling to meet expectations in english language arts per 2024 MCAS data.

Nadine is an associate professor of Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Her work focuses on typical/atypical learning trajectories from infancy to adolescence with an emphasis on language/reading development within a learning disabilities framework. Nadine is well recognized for her work by: International Society of Mind, Brain, and Education; World Literacy Foundation; Learning Disabilities Association America & International Dyslexia Association.

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